FFbinaries readme

Software versions

Available FFmpeg versions: 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.2.1, 4.4.1, 5.1, 6.1

API: 1.1.4

Node module: 1.1.6

Binaries provided

All binaries served by ffbinaries are hosted on GitHub (repo) and are simply repackaged versions of packages provided by other people (see Credits section).

Repackaging was done in order to provide consistent archive format and ship all components as individual downloads.


Supported platform codes: windows-32, windows-64, linux-32, linux-64, linux-armhf, linux-armel, linux-arm64, osx-64.


See available versions of ffmpeg, ffprobe, ffplay and ffserver for your platform on Downloads page.

Git repositories

Command line interface

A CLI client written in Node is available. You can install it with npm install ffbinaries -g. Requires Node.js installed on your system.

It allows you to automate fetching of ffmpeg binaries, for example in build systems, i.e. ffbinaries linux-64 --output=/my-binaries/ffmpeg.

More info on FFbinaries CLI downloader module.

Online documentation


Original binaries compiled by:


This project provides precompiled binaries only.

Please respect the licences of all software here - see http://ffmpeg.org/legal.html.